Monday, November 4, 2013

Kristin's Overnight Oats

I may be a little behind the times here, but I'm just now discovering how truly amazing overnight oats are.  I already have a fetish for oatmeal.  Did you know that they can lower your cholesterol? I won't go into the science of how, but yes, they can.  So check out this recipe & eat up!  This recipe is lactose-free & protein-rich {I'm vegetarian}.  Enjoy! 

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Here's what you'll need:

1 1/2 cups oats (quick cooking works fine, but old-fashioned is better)
1 scoop vanilla protein power (yes, I add this to everything!)
2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cups vanilla almond milk (unsweetened)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 Tbsp agave
1/2 cup blueberries

First, mix dry ingredients {oats,  protein powder, and cinnamon} in a medium size bowl.  Add in almond milk, vanilla, and agave.  Mix & place in the refrigerator for about an hour to allow milk to soak into oats.  Then, split into 2 containers {or more if you like a smaller breakfast}.  Top each container with 1/4 cup blueberries {or strawberries or peaches-- YUM!}.  My recommendation is to use blueberries, because they're a great source of antioxidants.  You've probably seen that Mason jars work really well.  They have magical sealing properties that make food stay good for a million years {kidding, but what's with those things?? Food stays great forever!}  I just used a regular plastic container, but the Mason jars are way cuter.  In the picture, I also topped my oatmeal with cinnamon-- so so delicious.  Enjoy!!

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